Don BOlduc

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“Given her lackluster record in the Senate, Senator Hassan’s refusal to stand on stage beside General Bolduc is perfectly understandable but also entirely unacceptable. Not only has General Bolduc held more than 50 town hall meetings where voters of all ideological stripes are free to ask him whatever is on their mind, he also proposed 7 general election debates, a number Senator Hassan was unwilling to meet. Now we have learned that she is refusing to join the General on stage at next week’s forum in Nashua. Public officials owe it to the people they are seeking to represent to make the case directly and answer their questions, not hide behind attack ads sponsored by special interests in Washington. This is the action of a desperate politician who knows she is going to face the music from voters in a few short weeks and her time in politics is running out.”

“General Bolduc is a decorated warrior who will fight back against the radical leftist Biden agenda that has led to record inflation, a porous southern border, and energy instability. To secure the border, stand strong for law and order, and put the American people first, I ask all Granite Staters to join me in supporting General Don Bolduc for U.S. Senate.”

In the three weeks since General Don Bolduc secured the Republican nomination, the grounds have shifted. The narrative General Bolduc couldn’t put this seat in play has been dispelled and Senator Massie Hassan is feeling the pressure. Don’t take my word for it. Hassan’s own campaign declared in a recent memo that the national narrative does “not reflect the reality we are seeing on the ground here in New Hampshire.

“With the increase of the drug trafficking arrests and overdoses all over our state and knowing that Don Bolduc not only performed missions on our borders as a soldier but also planned those missions and other defensive tactics, it is my belief that Don Bolduc can bring experience-based answers to D.C. and help us keep our communities safe here in New Hampshire.”

“We don’t need more special-interest focused politicians in Washington. We need leaders who will put Granite Staters first. I’ve spent my life serving and protecting this nation and now it’s my mission to take that same commitment to Washington. I’ll fight the career politicians who are putting their own self-interest ahead of their constituents and that starts with getting Senator Maggie Hassan out of the U.S. Senate.”

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“After millions of dollars spent lying about General Bolduc’s record, Senator Hassan’s campaign has conceded the obvious: her pathetic and desperate attempts to shift the conversation from her abysmal record in the Senate aren’t working,” said Kate Constantini, Bolduc for U.S. Senate campaign spokeswoman. “Her lies about abortion and Medicare have fallen flat, and this race remains a jump ball. No wonder she is avoiding town hall meetings and ducking debates. Senator Hassan has failed the people of New Hampshire and now those chickens are coming home to roost.”

“Senator Hassan has spent too much time in Washington, D.C. if she thinks she can avoid debates and still convince voters to give her another six years in the Senate. Her presence in the state is already woefully inadequate, and now she is trying to limit the number of times she has to answer difficult questions in an unscripted setting. From town hall meetings to retail stops to debates, I have been campaigning the New Hampshire way from day one. That’s why I am happy to accept seven debate invitations, and hope Senator Hassan will join me so Granite Staters can hear from their candidates directly, and not just via television attack ads.”

“The American People don’t want President Biden and Maggie Hassan’s far-left agenda that has led to historic inflation, record-high gas prices, and rampant crime. They need patriots to fight for the America they love. That’s why I’m confident Don Bolduc will make an outstanding leader in the U.S. Senate who will fight for American values and stand up to Joe Biden and his cronies.”

“Senator Hassan is going to lose. Don Bolduc is an amazing individual with his war-hero background who just wants to stand up and serve.” Aired 09/25/22

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“General Don Bolduc is a true American hero…he’ll never vote to raise the taxes of the people of New Hampshire.” Aired 09/25/22

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“It’s a simple choice for New Hampshire: General Bolduc will work towards restoring your freedom and prosperity. There’s no question how people should vote in this race.” Aired 09/24/22

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“Our Country has been overrun by career politicians like Senator Hassan. Now is the time to send a clear message to the D.C. elites and send an outsider to the U.S. Senate to fight for Granite Staters.”

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“Don Bolduc defended our freedoms in the Middle East and he’ll take on the establishment in Washington,” said Nikki Haley. “He’s a pro-law and order fighter who will secure the border and rein in out-of-control spending. The Senate majority runs through the Granite State and General Bolduc’s ready on the front line.”

“Winter is coming, and the Biden-Hassan energy policy is leaving too many Granite Staters out in the cold. For nearly two years, Joe Biden and Maggie Hassan have done everything in their power to reduce domestic energy production. In fact, at yesterday’s debate, Hassan even took credit for pushing Biden to turn to the SPR. They would rather do business with brutal dictators in Venezuela, Iran and Saudi Arabia than support our own homegrown industry. Now, facing the brutal consequences and with a midterm election looming, their only solution is releasing more of our emergency supply of oil, leaving us vulnerable to future supply shocks and whims from evil despots. It never had to be this way: America has the resources to power our country right here at home. For those facing tough choices between heating and eating, you’ve got Joe Biden and Maggie Hassan to blame.”

“Senator Hassan’s blind loyalty to President Biden has led to high inflation, open borders, and communities being plagued with crime. We don’t need a Senator who hides from her constituents, unable to face the problems she has caused with her disastrous voting record. As your Senator, I will work for you, fighting to lower taxes, keep our streets safe, and make sure Granite Staters never again have to choose between heating or eating.”

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“We thank Senator Hassan for actually participating in this debate alongside General Bolduc, finally facing the voters. The contrast between her consistent blind loyalty to President Biden and his tax-and-spend agenda versus General Bolduc’s New Hampshire first policies could not be clearer,” said Kate Constantini, Bolduc for Senate Spokeswoman. “Her dangerous policies lead to open borders, rising crime, and skyrocketing inflation, forcing constituents to have to choose between eating and heating their homes. We need General Don Bolduc now more than ever, to move this country in the right direction of law and order, secure borders and economic prosperity.”

“Senator Hassan and President Biden stand for open borders, soft on crime policies, and rising inflation that is crushing Americans. We can no longer let her get away with her out of control spending while our streets become more and more dangerous. Senator Hassan has showed time and again that she is the problem and her refusal to face the voters for her disastrous policies is unacceptable. It’s time we had a leader in the U.S. Senate that puts the interests of Granite Staters first, not President Biden and the D.C. elite. I’ll always fight for New Hampshire in Washington.”

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“I am honored and humbled to be supported by these American heroes. Having spent my life fighting to protect our great nation, I understand the needs of our veterans and I will also stand up for them. When elected to the U.S. Senate, our brave men and women both active and retired can truly believe they will have a leader fighting for them in Washington.”

Bill Hagerty Quote

“Now more than ever, we need leaders like General Don Bolduc fighting alongside us in Washington, D.C. I know he will stand for law and order, fight to secure our border, and put the needs of the American people ahead of all else. I look forward to working with him in the U.S. Senate to stand up against President Biden’s far-left agenda that is threatening our freedoms and safety.”

“Inflation continues soaring because of the misguided policy decisions of President Biden and his chief accomplice, Senator Maggie Hassan. With winter approaching, too many in the Granite State are facing decisions between heating and eating, a situation no one in the greatest country in the world should ever find themselves. Families might be hurting, but it’s warm and cozy for career politicians like Biden and Hassan who rely on the taxpayers for their housing, food and transportation. The only way to change direction and stop the spending spree is by electing new leaders.”

Every election it’s the same – career politicians lying through their teeth. But career politician Maggie Hassan has taken her abortion lies to a new low.

Here’s where General Don Bolduc really stands on new abortion restrictions:

“Let’s make it clear. I do not support a federal ban. I support the New Hampshire law and it’s now a state issue.”

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Hassan has always had a low-key presence in New Hampshire. She is not holding town hall meetings and is ducking general election debates, hiding from her constituents. While my opponent relies on highly produced television ads and glitzy mailers lying about my record, I’ll put my faith in the people. Liberals have a way of underestimating voters’ ability to cut through the noise, especially in New Hampshire. Authenticity still matters.

“For six long years Senator Hassan stood by when leading national party leaders were demonizing and vilifying hard working men and women in law enforcement. She even accused our criminal justice system of being ‘deeply racist.’ During the summer of 2020 when our cities were burning and our police were under assault from political figures, Hassan was absent from the national conversation. Now, a month before an election, she pretends to support the blue only because she and her national party apparatus have a major political problem on their hands. Voters will see through this kind of double speak, and is one of the reasons Hassan’s political career is on the ropes.”

“Given her lackluster record in the Senate, Senator Hassan’s refusal to stand on stage beside General Bolduc is perfectly understandable but also entirely unacceptable. Not only has General Bolduc held more than 50 town hall meetings where voters of all ideological stripes are free to ask him whatever is on their mind, he also proposed 7 general election debates, a number Senator Hassan was unwilling to meet. Now we have learned that she is refusing to join the General on stage at next week’s forum in Nashua. Public officials owe it to the people they are seeking to represent to make the case directly and answer their questions, not hide behind attack ads sponsored by special interests in Washington. This is the action of a desperate politician who knows she is going to face the music from voters in a few short weeks and her time in politics is running out.”

“General Bolduc is a decorated warrior who will fight back against the radical leftist Biden agenda that has led to record inflation, a porous southern border, and energy instability. To secure the border, stand strong for law and order, and put the American people first, I ask all Granite Staters to join me in supporting General Don Bolduc for U.S. Senate.”

In the three weeks since General Don Bolduc secured the Republican nomination, the grounds have shifted. The narrative General Bolduc couldn’t put this seat in play has been dispelled and Senator Massie Hassan is feeling the pressure. Don’t take my word for it. Hassan’s own campaign declared in a recent memo that the national narrative does “not reflect the reality we are seeing on the ground here in New Hampshire.

“With the increase of the drug trafficking arrests and overdoses all over our state and knowing that Don Bolduc not only performed missions on our borders as a soldier but also planned those missions and other defensive tactics, it is my belief that Don Bolduc can bring experience-based answers to D.C. and help us keep our communities safe here in New Hampshire.”